Acebreaker Combo Notes translated

Discussion in 'Vanessa' started by Ribx, Jul 10, 2012.

  1. Ribx

    Ribx Well-Known Member

    Defensive Stance

    DS [3][P]+[K] starter

    [2][P]+[K]>[4][P]+[K]>[6][P][K][K] (+59)
    Girls, Lion, Brad, Lau, Jacky, Jean
    vs Eileen [6][P] to [6][P][K] Needs a delay
    With the exception of Eileen, it can be done as fast as possible on the other characters.

    [2][P]+[K]>[4][P]+[K]>[6][P][K][K] (Closed Stance +59)
    [2][P]+[K]>[4][P]+[K]>[K][K] (Open Stance +51)
    Closed Stance [6][P] to [6][P][K] Needs a delay

    [P]+[K][P]>[6][P][K][K] (+53)
    Shun, Lei-Fei, Kage, Goh, Akira
    for all the mentioned characters [6][P] to [6][P][K] needs a delay (TL Note: I tried on Shun and Akira, Shun needed a delay, Akira didn't)

    [2][P]+[K]>6_[P]>[6][P][K][K] (+54)
    Wolf and Jeffry

    [2][P]+[K]>[6][P][K][K] (+49)

    DS Stomach Crumple

    [2][P]>[4][P]+[K]>[6][P][K][K] (+51)
    Eileen, Blaze, Aoi
    Blaze [4][4][K]+[G]starter
    Possible from Intruder Hook, but you have to take into account the axis misalignment from IH.
    (TL note: Don't forget the [6][P] to [6][P][K] delay; also possible from IBB)

    Eileen, Blaze, Aoi

    [6][P][K]K ender is lower damage from IH but more consistent (TL Note: iffy translation)
    only works on Blaze from [4][4][K]+[G]

    [2][P]>[6][P][K][K] (+41)
    From IH starter: any stance feasible. From any [4][4][K]+[G] and Intruder Body Blow: Closed Stance only.
    Against Heavyweights, skip [2][P] and do [6][P][K][K] . Easier to remember.

    (TL note: against Taka, do [6][P][3][K] after the crumple for +27, both feet positions)

    Combos possible with both IH and [4][4][K]+[G]

    [2][P]>[4][P]+[K]>[K][K] (+43)
    Lightweight (li, sa, va, sh, pa), Light Middleweight (ka, le, br, go, la)

    [6][P][K][K] (+35)
    Jacky, Jean, Akira, Wolf, Jeffry

    [4][P]+[K] CH starter

    [P]+[K][P]>[6][P][K][K] (+53)
    Lightweight (ei, el, ao)

    [P]>[6][P][K][K] (+42)
    Sarah till Jeffry

    [4][P]+[K] sideCH starter

    [6_] [P] >[2][P]+[K]>[6][P][K][K] (+54) (TL Note: I think it's +53, and it only seems to work from a certain side/angle)
    Girls, Blaze, Lion

    Ground Combos

    [4][P] side CH
    >dash [3][P]+[K]

    Taking into consideration how hard it is to confirm [4][P]'s side CH, it's probably better to use [6][K]+[G] as a followup, just in case. If it's not a CH, you're still relatively safe (TL note: -5 and a mid). Whereas if you dash in to do [3][P]+[K] and you're wrong, you might suffer from it (TL note: they crouch, it whiffs, you get punished; also: followups like P > [4][P]+[K] > KK work just fine after [6][K]+[G])

    back side facing wall Closed Stance [1][K]+[G]

    It's possible to followup with [K]+[G] from IP instead of [2][K][P]+[G], but it's a bit harder due to the angle.
    If you do hit [K]+[G] from IP, you can followup with [P][K], ending up in a stomach to the wall situation, in which you force a nitaku situation since you can do either [P]+[K][P] or [2][K]+[G].

    back facing wall Closed Stance [P]+[K]
    Hits with the tip

    stomach facing wall Closed Stance [P]+[K][P]
    dash [3][P]+[K]

    In the second situation, [3][P]+[K] hits after a dash.
    Unlike the first situation where you have to hitconfirm after [P]+[K], the second one with [P]+[K][P] is easier.
    Also, when in the vicinity of the wall, try to hit [4][P] in order to do Pekora's death combo.

    stomach facing wall Closed Stance [2][K]+[G]
    [3][K]>Side Crumple

    [2][K]+[G] after the wall hit will put the opponent in a sideways staggered situation
    Therefore it's standard procedure to induce a side crumple combo with [3][K]
    For those opponents who manage to recover from the stagger quickly enough, you can use [4][P]+[K] to force a nitaku situation.

    DS Side Crumple
    [P]+[K]+[G] (OS)>[1][K]+[G]>[P]>[2][P]+[K]>[3][K][K]
    Eileen to Jeffry
    [P]+[K]+[G] (OS)>[1][K]+[G]>[K][P][P]

    There's a lot of time confirm if [1][K]+[G] hit and change stance in order to proceed with the rest of the combo.
    It's up to you if you want to use [2][P]+[K] or not for the extra damage (TL note: I assume because it might whiff sometimes? Iffy).

    Had to divide the post due to the new forum character limit of 10k characters.
    FakeSypha, erdraug and Hajin like this.
  2. Northofself

    Northofself Member

    Much obliged!
  3. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Very nice !

    I'm planning to play Vane as a sub in the near future, this will be very helpfull [​IMG]
  4. Ribx

    Ribx Well-Known Member

    Offensive Stance

    [6][P]+[K] starter

    [6_][P]>[2][P]+[K]>1F delay [P]>[P]+[K][K](Closed Stance +48)
    [6_][P]>[2][P]+[K]>[K][P][K](Open Stance +50)
    Girls + Lion
    Pai can do the 1F delay P on both feet positions.
    vs Vanessa, Sarah, Lion, Pai you can do [6_]P instead of the delayed P and it'll work (TL note: unsure).

    [6_][P]>[2][P]+[K]>1F delay [P]>[P]+[K][K](Closed Stance +48)
    [6_][P]>[2][P]+[K]>[3][P]+[K][K](Open Stance +44)

    [P]>[3][K][P][K](Closed Stance +43)
    [P]>[2][P]+[K]>[K][P][K](Open Stance +50)
    Shun, Brad, Lau

    [P]>[6][P][P][K](Closed Stance +38)
    [P]>[2][P]+[K]>[K][P][K](Open Stance +50)
    Kage, Lei-Fei, Goh, Jean
    Goh and Jean need a 1f delay P for the first Punch.

    [P]>[6][P][P][K](Closed Stance +38)
    [P]>[3][K][P][K](Pen Stance +43)

    [P]>[6][P][P][K](Both Stances +38)

    [P]>short dash [2][K][P][K](Closed Stance +35)
    [P]>[6][P][P][K](Open Stance +38)
    Wolf Jeffry
    You can do a 1f delayed P in order to avoid doing a short dash in the first combo, but it depends on your feeling/experience.
    For wolf and jeffry, if you don't care about the damage, you can always go for [K][P][P] (+35) for consistency (both feet positions)

    (TL Note: against Taka followup with [6][6][K][K] for +26, both feet positions)

    [9][K] CH starter


    [3][P]>[K][P][6]>ISK>[P]>[2][P]+[K]>[4][P]+[K](Closed Stance +74)
    [3][P]>[K][P][6]>ISK>[3][P]+[K][K](Open Stance +68)

    [1][K]+[G]>[P]>[2][P]+[K]>[K][P][K](Closed Stance +68)
    [1][K]+[G]>[P]>[2][P]+[K]>[2][K][P][K](Open Stance +64)

    [6][K][K][P][6]>ISK>[P]>[2][P]+[K]>[4][P]+[K](Closed Stance +66)
    [6][K][K][P][6]>ISK>[3][K][K](Open Stance +63)

    [P]>[4][K]6>ISK>[K][P][K](Closed Stance +65)
    [6][K][K][P][6]>ISK>[3][K][K](Open Stance +63)

    Lion Pai Shun

    Light Middleweight (ka, le, br, go, la) and Heavy Middleweight (Jacky, Akira, Jean)

    [P]>[2][P]+[K]>[2][K][P][K](Closed Stance +46)
    [P]>[2][P]+[K]>[K][P][K](Open Stance +50)
    Wolf Jeffry

    [2][P]+[K]>[3][K][K](Closed Stance +37) (TL Note: works on both feet positions)
    [2][P]+[K]>[6][6][K][K](Open Stance +40) (TL Note: does +38, and only works in Closed Stance, not Open)

    [6_][K] CH starter

    Girls, Blaze, Lion, Jean


    [1][K]+[G]>OM to Vane's Stomach side>[P]>[2][P]+[K]>[3][K][K](+64)
    Brad, Lei-Fei, Lau
    You don't need to do an OM on Jacky's combo, but you can do it for practise for the other characters who need it, until you're used to the difficulty. (TL Note: No idea if this is what he said, but at least it looks like it)

    Rest of the cast: [1][K]+[G]>[K][P][P](+56) is consistent.

    OS stomach Crumple

    Basic Eileen combo which also works on Aoi and Vanessa
    however the timing for ISK's bounce is much harder.
    On aoi it's easier from [P][3][P] CH but from [4][4][K]+[G], unless it's CH, it's harder to carry out.
    On vanessa, it's easier to do from [4][4][K]+[G] in Open stance.

    [2][P]>[2][P]+[K]>delayed [P]>[P]+[K][K](Closed Stance +49)
    [2][P]>[2][P]+[K]>[K][P][K](Open Stance +49)
    Blaze to Jacky

    [2][P]>[2][P]+[K]>[2][K][P][K](Closed Stance +45)
    [2][P]>[2][P]+[K]>[K][P][K](Open Stance 49)
    Akira, Jean, Wolf, Jeffry

    [2][P]+[K]>[3][K][K](Closed Stance +37)
    [2][P]+[K]>[6][6][K][K](Open Stance +40)
    Taka (TL Note: Only works on [P][3][P]CH; I use [3][P]+[K][K] for [4][4][K]+[G] starter, being +25 on both feet positions)

    [9][P] CH starter

    [K][P][6]>ISK>[P]>[2][P]+[K]>[4][P]+[K](Closed Stance +66)(TL Note: Works on both feet positions?)
    [K][P][6]>ISK>[3][K][K](Open Stance +61)
    Eileen, Blaze, Aoi, Vanessa

    Sarah, Pai, Lion

    [P]>[2][P]+[K]>[K][P][K](Closed Stance +50)
    [P]>[2][P]+[K]>delayed [P]>[P]+[K][K](Open Stance +48)
    Shun, Light Middleweight (ka, le, br, go, la)

    [P]>[2][P]+[K]>[K][P][K](Closed Stance +50)
    [P]>[2][P]+[K]>[2][K][P][K](Open Stance +46)
    Jacky, Akira, Jean, Wolf, Jeffry

    [2][P]+[K]>[3][K][K](Closed Stance +37)(TL Note: works on both feet positions)
    [2][P]+[K]>[6][6][K][K](Open Stance +40)(TL Note: +38, and works on both feet positions)

    [6][6][K] CH starter

    [P]>[2][P]+[K]>[K][P][K](Closed Stance +50)
    [P]>[2][P]+[K]>delayed [P]>[P]+[K][K](Open Stance +48)
    Light Middleweight (ka, le, br, go, la)


    Wolf, Jeffry

    [6][6][K]CH[K] starter

    From Eileen to Light Middleweights (ka, le, br, go, la)
    If the second [K] connects as fast as possible, then it's consistent on the above-mentioned chars

    Jacky, Jean, Akira, Wolf, Jeffry
    For heavier characters you have to opt for [3][K][K] in terms of consistency, and it's also consistent even if it hits from the side, or even if you delay the [K] followup.

    [6][6][K][P] starter

    If you hit [6][6][K] while they're crouching, you can followup with [P] for a combo starter

    Girls, Blaze, Lion, Lau, Jacky, Jean (TL Note: Use [6_]P)
    Lau in Open Stance only.

    Rest of the cast except for Taka

    Ground Combos

    Back side facing wall, Closed Stance

    [1][P]>wall stagger>[6][6][K]+[G]
    with Vanessa's back side facing the wall, hitting with [1][P] NH will net a wall stagger, which followed by a [6][6][K]+[G] will cause a side crumple, offering a combo opportunity.
    The normal combo in this situation is followed by [1][K]+[G] > [3][K][P][K] (wall splat)> [3][P]+[K][K], which works up to Jeffry
    There's the chance that [1][P] will be a CH, and the opponent will be able to quickly recover from the stagger. In which case you should use [6][P]+[K] instead of [6][6][K]+[G], like the [3][K][K] crumple (below).

    Back side facing wall, Closed Stance

    [3][K][K]>wall stagger>[6][P]+[K]

    Side Crumple followups

    Eileen to Jeffry


    Both combos were described above in DS stance (after stance swap)

    Taka-Arashi stuff

    Explanations for stuff that works on taka differing from other characters (TL Note: iffy, take with a grain of salt)

    NH string (exception to how it hits originally)

    [P][P][6][P][K] -2F(side +1F)
    Only natural combo on CH

    [6][K][K][P][P] (this one is odd, since it works exactly like on the other characters)

    Cause more hitstun than normal (combo naturally on taka?)

    DS[6][P][K][K] +4F (other characters get +7 on ch)

    Offensive Stance
    knockback down>[6][6][K]+[G](Closed Stance +17)
    knockback down>[6][6][K][P](Open Stance +23)

    [K][P][P], [6][K][K][P][P], [2][K][P][P] cause knockback down on taka, and can be followed up.

    This gives greater functionality to [K][P][P] and [6][K][K][P][P] since they can guarantee good damage if they hit (TL Note: iffy).

    Comparated to [9][K] CH combos which require you pay attention to foot positioning and do 77dmg, [6][K][K][P][P] > [6][6][K]+[G] combo does 84 and works in both feet positions (TL Note: except I've only managed to make it work on a wall stagger situation, since the first 2 hits off of [6][K][K] never combo)

    Also, [6][6][K][K] will land regardless of foot positioning when at a wall (TL Note: He must have mentioned something about this not working anymore, or something, and I missed it)
    erdraug and Hajin like this.
  5. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Thank you for reformatting RibX! You seem to have missed a couple of "span style=" artefacts that weren't converted to the new forum formatting.
  6. Ribx

    Ribx Well-Known Member

    I haven't finished the Offensive Stance part. F'ing forum goes nuts on me. It whines about message length when I'm not even close to the maximum characters. Something about the new icons is killing the formatting =|

    Update: Well, tried reformatting the Offensive Stance part, but I can't even use bolds or colors. The new forums is completely bananas. Sorry folks, but you'll have to deal with the shitty readibility.

    Personally I prefer proper notation without the images... Super tidy, faster to read, and much easier to understand. Like Kanji. The pictures draw way too much attention, and these new ones are gigantic. I'm tempted to clear it up and do it normally.
  7. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Great info keep it coming Ribx ;)
    Really digging those wall setups.
    Also does anyone have any idea what:
    "Also, when in the vicinity of the wall, try to hit [4][P] in order to do Pekora's death combo."

    Is refering to ?
  8. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    For the Taka Stuff I did some testing:

    6P+K, P, 3KK seems to work both stances I don't know why he mentioned 6P+K, 66KK :confused:

    OS PPP6PK is a natual combo even on NH, so you can poke with PP6P and confirm the K which is pretty good. You are at -2 after it though

    OS PPK will natural combo on mC. Also on side hit like against other chars.

    OS 6KKPP will be a combo on mC, and not on MC, I know this sounds odd.
    It can be useful if you dodge the 2nd hit of 4P+KP or after you block his low attacks. It is simple and will deal 81 (6KKPP, 66K+G works both stance). On open stance, replace 66K+G by 66KP will do 88.

    OS KPP will also combo on mc so if you block 4P+K,P you can do KPP, 66K+G for very good damage. You can also opt for KP4P for 45 and +6 with a very dangerous miwup for Taka (built in cath throw or 6_K)

    So the idea here is that it's not worth using 6P+K at -15, there are better options. Actually Vanessa can punish -15 alot harder on Taka than against normal chars lol
    On the other hand 66K(CH) K will not give any combo.

    I didn't find anything special for OS 4PK.

    Here is the good news:
    DS 6PKK if the first hit is a CH the rest is guaranteed and leaves vanessa at +4, And yes it is hitconfirmable.
    So you've got 16f a semi circular move that will do good damage for nitaku, pretty fucking good.

    Also the combo from 3P+K will still do good damage on him.

    So all in all, the Taka matchup is not bad at all for Vanessa imo, she doesn't have to sacrifice a lot of damage on her combos (6_K combo still around 80), she has great punishes and great strings to use against him, her hit throws and catch throws will do the same damage as against everyone. Also DS 46K, will help against Taka's best attacks.
    Ribx and erdraug like this.
  9. Ribx

    Ribx Well-Known Member

    Thank you for researching the Taka stuff. I never managed to get a proper counter hit, apparentely =|

    Watch Pecora videos. There oughta be some video where he uses that. Pecora has combo videos on his youtube page, so his wall combo is probably there as well.
  10. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Here is the "Pekora death combo":

    The concept behind it is to begin a combo // to the wall AND near the wall corner so you can do:

    P+K,P,(wall hit that puts opponent side turned) 4P, KK (backturns opponent), P (wall stagger), 3+P+K, 2P+K,4P+K, 6P3K, 66PP

    It takes 80% of the life bar.

    After a few more hours playing Vanessa:
    OS 4P can be used to create the side turned wall hit (can't remeber the foot position atm)
    DS 1K can be used to create the side turned wall hit (back to wall iirc), it is an alternative to 1K+G (not semi circular but a lot faster, and leaves you with all your options, no stance).

    About the combos noted:
    6P+K, KPP is noted as easy both stance combo on heavies but for me it works only in one stance against Jeff, didn't try wolf.

    DS Stomach Crumple --> [P]>[4][P]+[K]>[6][P][K][K] (+51)
    Wasn't able to do it on eileen after 44K+G, I 'll stick to 6P3K ender.

    Her damage against Eileen is insane: 80+ off OS 9P, 100 from 6_K, 80 off stomach crumples, 114 off 9K(ch) :eek:
    erdraug likes this.
  11. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    OS 6P+K, KPP, works both stance on Wolf not Jeffry (close only)
    For easy no stance specific damage P,3KK works against them both for 3 point less than KPP.

    OS 6_K, 1K+G, P, 2P+K, 3KK (standard middleweights combo) works boths stance against Wolf, it doesn't work on Jeff in either stance, so stick to KPP ender against him.
    MarlyJay likes this.
  12. IntheQueensName

    IntheQueensName Active Member

    For combos that end in OS[3][K][K] after after OS[2][P][+][K] or OS IS[K] bounce, I'm specifically talking about CH OS[9][P] combo on Taka, I keep getting the [3][K] ground stomp rather than the OS[3][K][K]. Do I need to do the OS[3][K][K] earlier to get the desired result? Yes I do.

    v. Taka
    I'm using [6][K][+][G] rather than [2][P][+][K]. It is important to get the [6][K][+][G] as soon as possible compared to the [2][P][+][K], which seems to be able to come out a bit later.
    So my combos are:
    CH OS [9][K]
    [6][K][+][G]>[3][K][K] (Open or Closed Stance +40)
    [6][K][+][G]>[6][6][K][K] (Open Stance +41)

    Personally I just find it much easier and more reliable to do [6][P][+][K]>[6][6][K][K], the trade off is +/- 6 points of damage. When I try the [6][P][+][K]>[P]>[3][K][K] I find I need to do [6][P][+][K]>[6_][P]~[G]>[3][K][K]. If I don't do that I'll get [6][P][+][K]>[P][K] or when I do sometimes the [P] relaunch won't come out or the [3][K][K] will be too late to get people who can exact recover(blah, blah, blah my execution woes)...if the opponent can't or doesn't exact recover this doesn't matter.
    Anyway, I find [6][P][+][K]>[6][6][K][K] to be more reliable option even if it does 6 less points of damage.

    [K][P][K] also works on Jeff for the same damage as [P],[3][K][K] (+32) no stance check necessary.
    erdraug likes this.
  13. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    My advice would be to try to master the P(G) --> whatever
    It is something that is pretty important in this game, if you play other chars you will need that too, it's not that hard ;)

    If you have trouble with 2P+K, 3KK try rolling your stick from 2 to 3 without going back to neutral.

    For 9P combos against Taka, you can try 2P+K, 66KP I think it works both stance, it's easy and good damage. Sacrifying 6pts more of damage is not very good cause your already doing a combo with les damage than ususal against him. Since 66KP is hard to tech, then you can try 3KK if they don't tech, and even a down attack after that.

    Against Taka after combos ending with 3KK you can do an options select shoulder (6P+K+G) that will hit him on the ground if he doesn't tech or hit him if he does and attacks/guard low.
  14. Maxou

    Maxou Well-Known Member

    Against Taka, no need to check stance, 9P 2P+K 6KK work both stance Chibitox.

    Good stuff about 6P+K+G and enders 3KK, i didn't know that.

    InTheQueensNam : about OS 6P+K 6_P 3KK you should try to do OS 6P+K 6_P (tapG) 3KK. It's really easy if you use a G button.
  15. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    You meant 66KK ? 6KK doesn't work for me.
    Anyway 66KP is better ender imo, it does the around the same damage, is hard to techroll for Taka, and if he doesn't tech both 3KK hits will hit him OTG, then you can often go for a down attack afterwards which does around 80+. This is something I discovered recentlty watching BT cup vids, I need to use it now ;p

    Also using PP6PK instead of PK after blocking 4P+KP for easy undropable damage. KPP,66P is better but you need to react fast so it's good to have something with a bit more leniency that still do 40+ damage.
  16. Maxou

    Maxou Well-Known Member

    Yeah I meant 66K.
    You really should focus on KPP. 4P+KP is really easy to punish since it's so slow. And PP6PK put you at -2 afterward... So... Not bad, but not as good as KPP.
  17. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Against Eileen (and maybe blaze, need to test):
    DS 44K+G, 2P, 4P+K, 6PKK will whiff. It seems it seems ZeroChan took it into account in the combo list.
    I felt sad for Aoi taking more damage than Eileen and found that in fact it is possible to do even more damage on the monkey girl by adding a standing P to make the combo work:
    DS 44K+G, 2P, 4P+K, P, 6PKK
    Will actually work both stances for 79 iirc
  18. IntheQueensName

    IntheQueensName Active Member

    Against Wolf:
    CH [6_][K]>[1][K]+[G]>[P]>[2][P]+[K]>[6][6][K][P] +61 no stance check necessary. This combo will only work when you connect the CH [6_][K] close(r) to the opponent. At the max range of [6_][K] the [2][P]+[K] part of the combo will not connect.
  19. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    your execution is good, i can t connect it even with a Goh, this move work with jacky for exemple
  20. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    The 1K+G -> P part doesn't work on Goh nor Kage or Jeffry (may be others just giving examples that come to mind) as written in acebreaker/ribx's post, but it does work on Wolf and it was not mentionned.

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