A New World, For This Old Player (Newb Help)

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Roulette, Jul 11, 2002.

  1. Roulette

    Roulette New Member

    Well, here I go again. Back in the day I used to be one of the best Sarah players around ( VF1 & VF2 ) Now however, I see that I am nothing more than a Scrub. However .... I hate 2 questions for you all.


    I have decided to learn the seemingly underestimated Vanessa as a character. And would be much interested in hearing about any game glitches, movement styles ( command movement motions and what not, very common in tekken, so I am curious ) and basically any other adv. lingo I need to know to get started. :p

    Secondly!! For those who remember VF2.

    In all my time playing, I read once in a magazine a move for Jeff called the "Toe Kick Of Doom" and to this day I have never seen it or been bothered to try it ( Involving one full circle motion put me off dramatically ) does anyone know of this move, or even if it was just a joke? /versus/images/icons/grin.gif Anyway, thank you for any help. I am much apreciative.
  2. Dougydug

    Dougydug Well-Known Member

    I haven't been fortuante enough to play any other VF games, but I think the same general fighting style is similar so scrub is probably to harsh a word.

    There are loads of threads on Vanessa including a VFDC choice FAQ. Go to home and click Vanessa on the left of your screen... and use search before posting next time! (Trust me, you can get really bumed for not doing this.)
  3. Roulette

    Roulette New Member

    Ok mabey I should have clarified myself. I did all those things, and a lot of the termanologie still escaped me. Hehe, its cool I found a faq telling me all the general movement and basics and what not. Still not quite what I was after. Thanks for the warning but I didnt wannt come across as some dope new player that didnt know squat.

    I did check the vanessa page. Aint got squat. And I found that faq soon after this post. Cheers. :p

    I still need a few more things ... but it is a good start.
  4. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    <font color="33ccff"> check out the new ( 7-11-02) Vanessa vs. chibita's Lion on daoih or something like that go to Media here and scroll down to third match and click to to site then hit hyperlink to over two and a half minutes of battle. Vanessa player has over 4,000 matches and a 70% win rate. This is statistically significant win rate R... The first round is totally awesome vanessa goodness. Then chibita-san does several things that are quite startling to see let alone to be on the other end of in battle. The thread saved here that Ghostdog, Alantan, buyaodawo81, sayow, and Summers contributed to has helped wifey get real good with Vanessa and check out Ghostdog, Alan Tan, buyaodawo81, sayow, and Summers in search. Alan has several excellent thoughts to share with respect to Vanessa... read the follow-ups too as some of his VF buds in Singapore give the nod when Alan hits the nail on the head. Then go to CreeD's ftp or FeixaQ's ftp for several excellent Vanessa battles. Both FeixaQ and CreeD have serious skills so they know the right vids to archive dude. I'm sad we lost a few good threads about vanessa when virtuaproject went down ( bows head and wipes away a tear). I saved one article I think either spotlite or ghostdog wrote on Lion's site too. Practice the hit throws and reversals for top down big time VF4 goodness. /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif The disk (PS2 VF4) has chibita as Vanessa and is also well worth a "replay". /versus/images/icons/smile.gif </font color> Oh, almost forgot ETP has a good handle on using V /versus/images/icons/grin.gif anessa so ask him anything about VF4 Vanessa gameplay just stay away from discussing how he converted bio-energy to power his PS2. /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    glitches and movement styles arent nearly as common in vf. two movements that come to mind are the "shinz step" and evading crouch dash or "ECD"
    ECD isnt a movement type, rather an evasive maneuver. The shinz step is used to travel, but from what i gather its mostly just for show. look here for a link about it:
    Shinz Step Post

    There arent any abuseable glitches or steps of this kind specifically for Vanessa that i know of.
  6. Roulette

    Roulette New Member

    Thank you!! That is exactly what I was after. This is making it much easier for me to dig and dwell information. And to be honest, I think your two posts have converted this old tekken fan back to VF4. /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif

    In all seriousness, thank you for that little piece of information. As far as I am concerened that is the best run down I have had so far. I am also currently looking into Aoi. But I did see some Sarah ( Old School Sarah Player ) and a little bit of Jacky as well, and have decided that the gameplay in VF4 is insanely fast.

    The "Shinz" step as I can gather, I would just like to add as a side note, is refered to in Tekken as "wave dashing" and can be sped up to "light dash" ( RARELY! ) by doing the crouchdash motion 8 times a second. But hell its far more useful there.

    - studies the movies some more -

    I have taken a great liking to Aoi, but my next set of questions refer to General Character rankings. In every game there is always a few character that are mostly abused ( KOF: Iori, Tekken: Jin, MVC2: Cable ) I am just curious as to the ranking of characters in general. As to wich character "Sucks" and wich ones "Rock" in general terms of tournaments and what not. ( has seen some impressive pai stuff, and some absolutely AWESOME vanessa, thanks for the vid links. )

    Thank you both again, you have just fast tracked my learning. Cant wait to try some of this chit out. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  7. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Firstly VF4 is insanely balanced compared to most games. But there is a fairly informative tiering post here. At the very very least it's a good read.

    tier post

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