a glimpse of Shanghai

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by erdraug, May 3, 2008.

  1. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Sorry for making a new thread but i'd like to publicly thank Srider for being so nice during my small visit at Shanghai.

    So thank you Srider for inviting me to an arcade and showing me around! We don't have arcades back home anymore and those i remember from my youth were just small rooms. That place was huge! And there were cute Shanghai girls too. It was quite an experience for me. Plus, i don't think i'll ever forget the restaurant you've invited me to aftewards. I'm still mesmerised from the orb, the entrance behind the bookcase, the sharks, the weitresses too! Talking with you was very interesting and you struck me as a knwledgable and modest person. I hope my weird greek-french accent didn't tire you, as well as my choice of subjects, i couldn't just stick exclusively with VF when there were so many other interesting subjects to discuss!

    Speaking of VF, thank you for taking the time to play against me, even though it was clear i was unable to cope with the controls. Even if you are very kind and noticed that in the end i managed to cope better the fact is i suck with a stick and i promise i'll order one first thing when i get back home. That said, i expected you'd beat me thorough /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif What *did* suprise me was the high level of the other players hanging out in the arcade. Random opponents were all throw escaping, both high and low throws, unstaggering as fast as the CPU and fuzzyguaring like the easiest thing in the world. And there was that akira player, we was tough! I know one afternoon glimpse of an arcade is not representative, even if it was friday night, still i'd like to give big props to the Shanghai scene!
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  2. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    What this dude went on a trip to Shanghai!? You play on pad? Wow I never knew...

    Did you squeek out any wins at the arcade? Any like really close edge of your seat matches?

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