A few questions about enemies in Quest mode

Discussion in 'Console' started by Franz, Jan 11, 2008.

  1. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member


    1 - I'm now Conqueror with my Akira and even the easiest arcade have very few Kyus. Is it because I'm now conqueror? Since I went pretty quickly through my Kyu levels, shall I assume that some of the enemies in the Kyu levels are gone forever?
    In other words, should have I spent more time fighting all the Kyus when I was a Kyu myself? Or can I still bump into them as Conqueror?

    2 - I see many AIs can be met in various arcades. Isn't this going to be a problem when I'll be playing in a certain arcade, trying to meet all the players, and guys from other arcades meddle in?

    3 - Is it just me or the actual skills of the AI is not always well matched with their rank? I fought some Vanquishers whom I can always beat 3-0 and there are some 1st dans that I can beat only once out of 3 matches (I always play Expert level)... WTF...
  2. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    They don't disappear they just go up in ranking with you. The opponents that were kyu's when you first started are probably into the dan's by now but they're still there and you can definitely still play them.
  3. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    I'm not really sure about that but I've found some of the 10th kyus I had left behind. In the first arcade, I'm just missing the guy at the bototm of the list. Any special conditions to make him show up?

    Also, I guess that the AIs that can be found in many arcades are those belonging to the "special" group.
  4. Goatface

    Goatface Member

    i finished one of the low ones last night, was missing a rank 1 Kyu, it took 10 mins of clicking and backing out to get her to show up.
  5. cadorna

    cadorna Well-Known Member

    Man, how do you know who's missing? Where's that list?
  6. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    Cadorna, it's in the pause menu of the map screen (start button) under Quest status or something like that
  7. cadorna

    cadorna Well-Known Member

    Good, I'll take a look there, thanks!

    BTW, do I still have Tournament Items left if I already got the final rank item or that was the last one, period?
  8. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    No, you still have tournies left I think.

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