5 Steps to Learning Virtua Fighter

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Myke, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    5 STEPS to Memorize: An Introduction to Virtua Fighter's Game System
    Originally posted by akai

    STEP 1 - Basic Rules Concerning Strikes, Throws, and Defense

    A. On Offense: the basic offense revolves around the use of throws and mid strikes as a two-choice offense (more commonly known as nitaku).
    • Anticipating opponent will stand and guard, use throws as your offense.
    • Anticipating opponent will crouch and guard, use mid strikes as your offense.

    B. On Defense:
    • Anticipating opponent to strike you, use standing guard and crouching guard as your defense.
    • Anticipating opponent to throw you, crouch or use strikes as your defense.
    • Move away from your opponent so that their technique entirely misses you -- a good opportunity to counterattack.

    STEP 2 - Advantage and Disadvantage
    A. In general, you are most likely at an advantage, if 1) your attack successfully hits opponent, 2) opponent attack is successfully defended, and 3) opponent attack entirely misses you.
    • When you have the advantage, it is your chance to go on the offense.
    B. In general, you are most likely at a disadvantage, if 1) opponent attack successfully hits you, 2) your attack is successfully defended by opponent, and 3) your attack entirely misses your opponent.
    • When you are at a disadvantage, it is your turn to focus on defense.

    STEP 3 - Evading and Circular Strikes (Evading is also known as Defensive Move)
    A. Evade: On the defense, aim to evade the opponent's linear strikes. Successfully evading opponent's strikes give you an opportunity to counterattack. Use evade to quickly go on the offense.

    B. Circular Strikes: On the offense, anticipating opponent will evade, use throws or circular strikes. Full circular strikes will successfully hit an evading opponent, where as linear strikes will be easily avoided.

    STEP 4 - Consistently Inflict Damage to Opponent
    A.Use 1) combos for guaranteed damage, 2) hit confirmation (also known as hit checking) for counter hits (look for the yellow light when your hit strikes your opponent), and 3) decisive counterattacks (also known as guaranteed hits) to reliably damage your opponent.

    B. Recognize the type of advantage situation you have:
    • Small advantage [6_] use common 2-choice offense
    • Medium advantage [6_] use counter 2-choice offense (not to be mistaken with reverse nitaku term)
    • Large advantage [6_] use decisive counterattacks for guaranteed damage
    Opponent's big technique is defended = you have large advantage [6_] opportunity for guaranteed damage

    STEP 5 - Basic Flow of Competition
    A. Relatively Even Situations, act first!
    1. Use Standing Punch and Low Punch
    • opponent blocks attack [6_] relatively even***
    • successfully hit opponent [6_] you have advantage, use your two-choice offense.
    • successfully counter hit opponent [6_] you have advantage, use your counter two-choice offense.
    • opponent strike hits you instead [6_] you are at a disadvantage, focus on defense.
    2. Anticipating opponent to guard or evade
    • expecting opponent to guard, use two-choice offense.
    • expecting opponent to evade, use full circular strikes.
    3. Use low strikes to effectively disrupt opponent.
    • successfully hit opponent [6_] relatively even***
    • failed to hit opponent [6_] you are at a disadvantage, focus on defense.
    B. Offensive Direction in Advantageous Situations
    • Use decisive counterattacks in guaranteed damage situations.
    • Use two-choice offense in non-guaranteed damage situations.
    • Use full circular attacks to discourage opponent from evading.
    C. Defensive Direction in Disadvantageous Situations
    • Against opponent's two-choice offense - mid strike [6_] standing guard or evade as your defense
    • Against opponent's two-choice offense - throw [6_] crouching guard or strikes as your defense

    *** = Exceptions or oversimplification by the 5 steps. While it is listed as "relatively even," you will find out that your low punch on guard will put you at a small disadvantage while high punch on guard will put at a very small advantage. In addition, your low strikes successfully hitting your opponent, generally will put you at an disadvantage.


    The 5 steps or rules listed above are basic guidelines in how to approach the Virtua Fighter 5 game system. It summarizes the information from the pocket guides "Virtua Fighter Instructions" Volume 1 and 2, freely available on virtuafighter.jp website.

    Do you have to follow these guidelines to be successful? Nope, but I do think it simplifies the game, that at times can be overwhelming.

    These rules are meant to give a player a solid foundation on how to play Virtua Fighter. Having a good understanding and application of the fundamental aspects of Virtua Fighter, one can then effectively use and counter advanced techniques and tactics.

    For advanced techniques, tactics, and "exceptions to the rules" go to the strategy forums for information and discussion.

    For more organized information, look at the comprehensive command move lists and VFDC wiki pages (upper left corner of the website) that members of the VFDC community took time to translate and organize.

    Finally, how much time you are willing to put into this game, physically and mentally, will be a major factor on your success in this game.

    Welcome to Virtua Fighter!
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2021
  2. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    Knowing which attacks give advantage/disadvantage is not always intuitive, but all characters tend to follow a similar pattern.

    Outside of special cases:
    -2P is positive on hit, negative on block. Intuitive.
    -P is positive on block. Not intuitive.
    -PP is negative on hit.
    -Low attacks are negative on hit.
    -Strings that can be hit-checked are punishable on block.
    -Low sweeps are punishable on block and give a free low throw attempt.
    -Attacks that leave the character BackTurned (BT) or in a stance are positive on hit, negative on block.
    -Some characters have a non-string attack that gives light advantage on block.

    6P is an important attack for almost every character, but its frames vary greatly from character to character.
  3. bao

    bao New Member

    so my friend and i were playing......and he was randomly doing this punch punch punch thing with lei fei (it never stopped), and i just blocked, but when i tried to evade or counter attack nothing worked...what was i supposed to do in that instance?
  4. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    It depends on what he was doing and what character you are using. A good general idea is to block it then do a crouching punch [2] [P].

    Edit: Also, fantastic thread, Myke!
  5. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    When you blocked a move, chances are you have frame advantage.
    In that case, if you expect another attack anyway and want to evade it, you should perform an Offensive Move instead of Defensive Move.
    DM is meant to be used when you're at frame disadvantage, OM is meant to be used when you're at frame advantage.
  6. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Is this series of punches might be Lei's [P][P][P]?

    I suggest first to identify the exact moves he was using. Once you know the exact moves, you can find information on the move or we can better help you to deal with the move.

    Also, for people asking help, please try to provide specific details on the situation and/or moves being used. It would help us help you.
  7. bao

    bao New Member

    Ah okay. offense to counter offense. Defense in VF's the only thing i can't seem to understand. thanks yall.
  8. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    It's not so much offense to counter offense it's just that he isn't defending when he probably should.
  9. Cnul

    Cnul Well-Known Member

    Hi, i'm a little new to Virtua Fighter.
    I played a loooooot Virtua Fighter 2 on Saturn (specially the expert mode to train the cpu) but after this i "missed" the next ones (never tried VF3 and played a little VF4EVO/VF5)

    So now, thanks to Akai, i'm interested by VF5FS.

    This Basic guide is cool but in the time i don't like it. I will explain why

    For me Basic means predictable and advanced means "here is how i beat predictable situation"

    More i read about VF5, more i understand that all the "advanced tactics" have one purpose : Beat all those basics pattern.

    When you teach someone to try to throw in this situation or stay in defensive in this other particular situation, advanced players are learning to deal with this (MTE, etc)

    I don't think it's fair for the new player to teach them how to get body for free by advanced players. Of course it's important to learn the "basic" but at least put a big warning that basic plays means "predictable" and advanced plays is just the counter to predictable plays
  10. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    1) without knowing the "basic", you can not go to "advanced". Basic rule of thumb.
    You need the build the foundations first, before you start building the house. And you need to have the house walls solid and standing, before you can start building the roof...
    2) advanced players will get free wins on the new players no matter what. Annother rule of thumb.

    But the new players who will learn the basic will not only quickly learn how to beat other new players, but also will be able to quickly go to the advanced stage where they will learn how to competate against skilled players.
    And last, but not least thing... Even the most top players go back to the very "basic" here and there, in times of need.

    I find this topic extremely helpfull, as it allows newcommers to quickly gt into the game and helps them understand to the core mechanics. Without this, you are not able to start playing seriously - this stands for VF and any other competitive game.
  11. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Hi Cnul, thanks for registering on the forums and welcome! Unicorn sums up what I would like to say.

    Everyone learns the games differently and the basics posted here (still need to be fleshed out -_-;;) are meant to give new players a foundation to build on. I believe that majority of the game's system is based on these basic guidelines.

    There are definitely moves and techniques that are exceptions to these basic guidelines, but those moves and techniques are the minority. The next steps after understanding the fundamentals (which can deal with majority of the moves in the games) would seem to be directed at the stuff you are asking about: what "advanced" players do to beat the "basics."

    Also, I don't think the basic guidelines posted here makes the player predictable (at least that is not the intent). The guidelines give a rather simple view of a player's options in situations. Their is still the guessing game element in which the player has to anticipate what opponent will do...

    1. I anticipate opponent will do Action X in Situation A.

    2. Action X in Situation A will lose to Action Y

    3. Thus, I will do Action Y.
  12. Grabczas

    Grabczas Well-Known Member

    I would also add that this 5 steps are not only for people new to VF but also for those who start playing (not mashing) Fighting games at all.

    Since I have few friends who want to learn how to play fighting games with me (not mash all day long) I'll defenitely gonna show them this guide [​IMG] They started learn SCV right now but coming to VF will be A LOT easier for them, especially when inputs are easier in FS [​IMG]
  13. Cnul

    Cnul Well-Known Member

    Hi, i'm sorry because i have overexagerate my feelings.
    I agree with all of you (Unicorn, Akai, Grabczas). What i wanted to say is basic guide should at least try to tease people on the next step (advanced). Without teasing, what will give players the will to go further ?

    New players will pick the game this week. Now they will discover all those new guides available here and here on the net. After maybe two weeks some of them will start get boring perhaps because they don't feel/understand the point of playing like that.

    "- When you have the advantage, it is your chance to go on the offense."
    "- When you are at a disadvantage, it is your turn to focus on defense."
    "- Anticipating opponent will stand and guard, use throws as your offense."

    Is it really why VF is so fun ?

    Even if you don't teach right now advanced tech, at least make people aware of the content/purpose.

    Something like "Ok you just read the basic guide, now the secret is you can make your own rule which will beat what you have just learned. If you comeback the next week, you will have some examples. Stay tuned"

    Marvel Studio Teasing Style ^^
  14. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Cnul - you make a good point about constantly trying to keep players engaged to learn the game past the beginner's stuff. I will try something out to keep players engaged in learning.

    When I translated the "5 Steps" a long time ago, I hoped the new players would show the initiative and start asking the questions that followed after the basics. It never seem to have panned out.

    I do want to note there will be a series of tutorials made by Sega and also UltrachenTV's episdoes with LA Akira are good sources for players also in learning the game.
  15. dobiqwolf

    dobiqwolf Member

    Ultra Chen TV with LA AKIRA is very good for beginners.
    P will force you to block,
    2P will beat P
    6P (elbow class move) will beat 2P
    It goes like this: P then if opponent try 2P you beat it with elbow 6P
    Now next time you do P if they keep bocking you throw them
    If I am the one force to defend,
    The next thing I am thinking is to side step elbow if I know it is coming...
    I haven't had time to play much but that is how far I got understanding the system
  16. MayorMcFilthy

    MayorMcFilthy Member

    My biggest issue is maintaining offensive pressure. It feels like I lose advantage too easily once defended and my opponents can run over me from there. Lots of things to work on in this game.
  17. RzaRectah

    RzaRectah Member

    Whats up? Yesterday I was using Brad in training mode to work on my defensive options. I set the AI to guard and counter:

    1) If he countered with a straight attack I side stepped or slipped,
    2) If he countered with a circular Mid attack I blocked,
    3) If he countered with a throw I crouch blocked it or tried to "tech" it, however:

    My problem was when he was counter with a low attack. When I would try to block low two things would happen: a) he would do his slipping move and still get hit, or b) not be fast enough to actually block low.
  18. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    To dobiqwolf
    dobiqwolf - a note on that part of your post. It depends on if you have advantage and/or distance. At small advantage elbow class move will likely beat 2P. At even or disadvantage situation, the elbow class move will likely lose to 2P.

    To MayorMcFilthy
    In the 5 Steps to Memorize - Step 2 (I bolded the text that is important to your post)
    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">B. In general, you are most likely at a disadvantage, if 1) opponent attack successfully hits you, 2) your attack is successfully defended by opponent, and 3) your attack entirely misses your opponent.
    - When you are at a disadvantage, it is your turn to focus on defense.</div></div>
    If you are at an disadvantage, and both you and your opponent decides to strike at each other...your opponent's strike would generally beat out your strikes. In other words, to get yourself back in the offense when at a disadvantage:

    1. Anticipate opponent to strike? Defend by [G] or [2][G] or evading.
    2. Anticipate opponent to throw, use a striking attack.

    To RzaRectah
    Not fast enough to block the low punch is likely due to the computer AI blocking a move that leaves you at a very large disadvantage where attacks are guaranteed to hit you.

    In the 5 Steps to Memorize - Step 1 (I bolded the text that is important to your post)
    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">B. On Defense:
    - Anticipating opponent to strike you, use standing guard and crouching guard as your defense.
    - Anticipating opponent to throw you, crouch or use strikes as your defense.
    - Move away from your opponent so that their technique entirely misses you -- a good opportunity to counterattack.</div></div>A good way to move away from low punch is back dash [4][4] or croch back dash [1][1]. Avoiding low punch by these moves may depend on how small/big is the disadvantage you are in after having your move defended.
  19. RzaRectah

    RzaRectah Member

    Thank you very much akai, but I STILL have a problem. I don't have time to test this now, but I was doing PP with Brad which according to the guide is only -5 and I'm guessing the counter attack the AI was doing couldn't have been any faster than 10 frames. So what would happen is I would press PP2G and what would happen is he would cancel the PP into ducking stance which would leave him wide open for the counter attack. But after doing some reading I'm thinking trying PP1or3G should work?
  20. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    [P][P][2][G] should not cause you to enter Brad's unique stances. It should, if correctly inputted block a low punch.

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