if u hear Wakata do pk, guaranteed. If u hear Amai do a slight dash foward, and do a throw.. preferably 270 throw. When u hear amai u can get a 0 frame throw.
Its the only thing that is iirc. (apart from single P) On successful sabakihit you can delay into 0-frame throw and it will 'combo', but throw can always be escaped. note: the delayed 0f throw takes at least 11 frames to come out, so whenever you can combo into 0f throw, a PK is also guaranteed.
haha, was he doing something else after the mid sabaki follow up? he usually does PK.. or something random u never see coming... his style is very hard to observe/random.
No, he was just telling me that you'd need to long on the battlefield, too much contemplating, too little acting. I could only agree .