2 exciting new posts about new Virtua Fighter on official Sega's X (twitter)

Discussion in 'General' started by segaduck2, Mar 4, 2024.

  1. segaduck2

    segaduck2 Member

  2. segaduck2

    segaduck2 Member

    Following is the content:

    Virtua Fighter • It is online and esports focused and has online and offline modes including customization modes. • There are new characters with a modern art style and character artist. • It is a game concept that changed many times since 2021 up to now.

    • Streaming and spectating implementation is an important part of this title and Super Game concept. • It is a reboot of the Virtua Fighter series in development by current Virtua Fighter staff. • It is a title releasing on all major platforms with crossplay and rollback.

    This is a Virtua Fighter title that is developed to be a modern competitor to Street Fighter and Tekken with esports concepts and mechanics that are similar to current Street Fighter and other fighting games. It is a concept that evolved a lot.

    And there is all new main story and side stories with brand new characters.

    And there is an evolution of ranked matches that is similar to modern fighting games. This is a title that is focusing on scaling with the player and their play styles when they play online.

    (Question: Quest Mode from VF4 coming back?)
    Answer: Yes. And in a new way.
    Junosynth and 40i4 like this.
  3. Junosynth

    Junosynth Well-Known Member

    Reboot sounds awesome. Can't wait to get into competitive VF again!
    Shinobi and 40i4 like this.
  4. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    First of all
    the Super Game concept from Sega is synonymous with NFT's and Blockchain:cautious:




    Second of all that spectating implementation means that the next Virtua Fighter is going to be full of fireballs, color splashes, hit sparks, flying, floating, weapons, power-ups, meters, super moves, unblockable moves, and otherwise graphical pyrotechnics. It will be nothing like Virtua Fighter 3 thru 5 Final Showdown. Its not going to Reboot Virtua Fighter its going to Redefine Virtua Fighter:( Sega simply plans to take advantage of the Virtua Fighter reputation/IP and super loyal fans and squeeze us for all the NFT, and microtransactions, profit possible.:mad: It will be nothing like the Virtua Fighter we all know and love. I deeply, truly, sincerely hope that I'm wrong:cry: But.,. I'm usually not:oops:

    Street Fighter is struggling, MK1 is struggling, Tekken 8's traffic is slowing down. I think Gen Z and Gen Alpha's enthusiasm for old school arcade fighting games is wearing thin. I think Gen Z and especially Gen Alpha is looking for the next generation fighting game + RPG hybrids. The next Virtua Fighter is going to appear just what I think it is ., a last desperate money grab(n)
  5. Solomon Rayland

    Solomon Rayland Well-Known Member

    That is incredibly shady. Hope SEGA decides not to do NFTs after all. That probably will not happen though.

    VF might have that stuff, but beyond hit sparks, it is highly unlikely. Seiji Aoki in an important interview clearly stated that he knew what made VF special and that he wished to keep it that way. Even if hit sparks were to be implemented, I think you are being overly dramatic with the other things.

    Parts of these statements are true, but others completely miss the mark. Street Fighter 6's traffic is slowing down, but it is not actively struggling. Mortal Kombat 1 absolutely is though. Tekken 8 on the other hand is only continuing to grow in popularity at this point. The demand for fighting games has never been higher since the 90s.

    For that reason, VF will be more than just a desperate cash grab.
    masterpo and Shinobi like this.
  6. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    These articles are from April 2022, and since then, SEGA changed its plans about NFTs. But, that doesn't seem to bother our Po.
    Solomon Rayland likes this.
  7. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I only hope that next vf isn't "Tekken V2" FS and the current version of the game began to go that direction but it can still be considered its own thing still. I really hope it doesn't become a Tekken clone and has some distinct features that make it feel like its own game overall.
    beanboy likes this.
  8. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    @Solomon Rayland I truly, honestly, absolutely hope you are right(y)

    But in case you're not, remember, I told yawl so:oops:
    beanboy likes this.
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    The Problem is.....

    • Virtua Fighter is not a competitor to Street Fighter and Tekken. Many (if not most) of the players that play Virtua Fighter do so precisely because Virtua Fighter is not Street Fighter or Tekken

    • Many (if not most) of the players that play Virtua Fighter don't like and don't want the concepts and mechanics that are similar to Street fighter or they would just be playing Street Fighter. If I wanted to play Street Fighter and Tekken I would just play Street Fighter and Tekken:holla:

    • The Virtua Fighter series introduced ranking and titles to 3D fighting games in the first place, why should it start following what other games are doing with ranking and titles now? . Virtua Fighter is the leader and innovator:whistle:

    Seiji Aoki and RGG want Virtua Fighter 6 to be like Street Fighter and Tekken
    News Flash!!!! Both the Street Fighter and Tekken communities are loosing players every day. Virtua Fighter 6 should not be trying to imitate in any way all the many failures of Street Fighter and Tekken. Many key players hate the Tekken Heat Mechanic, and the Comeback Mechanics. Why would Virtua Fighter 6 add this garbage? :cautious: News Flash!!!! The Street Fighter and Tekken communities hate:
    • Micro Transactions
    • Stages behind Paywalls
    • Grindy Battle Passes
    • Stripped Down and Vacated Single Player Modes

    There is nothing that Seiji Aoki and RGG can add to Virtua Fighter to pull the Tekken and Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat fans away from the games they love and have spent so much time learning. Seiji Aoki and RGG need to worry about keeping the true Virtua Fighter fans and attracting the players that hate Street Fighter and Tekken.:ninja:

    I play Virtua Fighter because its nothing like Tekken, or Street Fighter:cool: The vast majority of players that are attracted to Virtua Fighter come to it because it does not have meters, because it does not have comeback mechanics, because it does not have vampires, bears, kangaroos, pandas, werewolves, and monsters. It does not have whirlwinds, exploding characters, headless robots, flying characters, and power ups. They come to it because of its clean no nonsense presentation, its focus of quasi-realistic martial arts, its balance roster, its unique in authentic fighting styles. Its gorgeous stages and smooth character animations. They come to it because it has a fighting engine second to none.

    Sadly, I've got a sinking feeling that Seiji Aoki and RGG is about to Fu@k Virtua Fighter up by a shameful, disgraceful Kow Tow to Tekken and Street Fighter:cry:
  10. Acid

    Acid Active Member

    Losing the loyal audience would be the end of the series. My guess is they are banking on keeping the core game play intact along with good online, being enough to keep us. Maybe they mess with weight classes to simplify things, but I don't think there will meters and comeback mechanics. SEGA will try to bring in new players with story, art, and new characters. Graphically, I expect something flashy, including "sparks". I don't think this is a bad thing. It could be or not, depending on the final result. It could be complimentary, but they can't half ass it.

    I've been wanting changes to the rank system. I really like the kyu/dan/special title names. I don't like that every rank below Hunter has no meaning because you can't go down. So a third of the players all have the same rank, which may as well be the lowest rank, instead of being sorted out among the kyu and dan ranks, where they can actually move up and down, win and lose for something.
  11. 40i4

    40i4 Well-Known Member

    Ranking build on beating others is pure frustration and it belongs to the old world that is dying.
    Otherwise, why Room matches are full of players while ranking is empty?

    Mordern ranking mode that i expect and the new renascence world that is raising on our eyes is build on top of self-development. Impossilble? Maybe. because new things always looks impossible until they are done.

    Riged/bad/evil ranking is based on beating other.

    Health/Pure/Positive ranking is based on making self-improvments and progressing.
    masterpo likes this.
  12. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Sry my friend.... But Sega does not give a !@#$ about the loyal audience. If they did we would have had Virtua Fighter 6 10 years ago. You either were not around or must not remember that Sega didn't want to port VF5FS outside of Japan. The loyal audience had to beg, plead, grovel, and beseech Sega for years just to get VF5FS:unsure:

    Here are the facts: Sega owns the Virtua Fighter IP (Intellectual Property). From Sega's perspective Virtua Fighter is nothing more than a monetization opportunity:whistle: It has nothing to do with what the fans want. It has nothing to do with the rank system you want or the online rollback feature. All they care about is how they can turn Virtua Fighter into a cash cow.:cautious: The problem is all the original development team are gone, retired, moved on. The developers that had the skill to build the original Virtua Fighter engine have left the scene. The new guys have no idea how the old timers did what they did. The kind of programming that was done on the original Virtua Fighter, the smooth movements, the challenging AI (CPU), the stunning stages and balanced roster are all a lost art, known only to the original AM2 team wizards.

    So what's left Seiji Aoki who's always clearly been a Tekken Geisha has decided to try to copy Tekken mechanics and monetization strategies. The Tekken Store, the DLC's, the paid stages all mixed in with gamification color theory, meters, comeback mechanics, watered down movelists, and zaney overpriced customization all in an attempt to attract the low skilled and no skilled general gaming community:oops:

    They're not trying to attract the original loyal Virtua Fighter fans, or the OG's from VF5FS era :ROTFL: They want the fresh meat born after 2010 who will pay $300 for the ultimate edition, and won't wince at paying $5-$10 per additional DLC stage or $7-$15 per additional DLC character:rolleyes: Fresh meat that won't complain if the game ships in an unfinished state with broken and overpowered characters.:zzz: They are hoping and salivating for the customer that will spend $1200 per game on customizations, outfits, and DLC characters.(n)

    Sega doesn't give a F#ck about loyal fans, or the Virtua Fighter legacy:holla: Its all about how can they turn the Virtua Fighter IP into cash money now:meh:

    They're asking themselves how Did Tekken 8's monetization go? How did MK1 monetization go? How did Streetfighter 6 monetization go? Can we get away with the same $h!t they did in Virtua Fighter:ninja:

    The fact of the matter is single player modes, with plenty of free unlockables, diverse and challenging AI(CPU) players, awesome stages, animations, character intros, endings and game story is what made Tekken, Virtua Fighter, DOA and Soul Calibur. Remember Online came long after a solid fan base had already been built for these franchises. The original Virtua Fighter , Tekken, DOA, and Soul Calibur had only Single Player and offline Versus modes.;) In fact there was no online in Virtua Fighter for the Playstation until Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown:cool: And all that single player bull$h#t and extra AI(CPU) programming, and all those game modes cost too damn much and cuts into the profits and shareholders won't stand for it:meh:

    So all of this talk about online ranking up, and online rollback, and online this and online that has nothing to do with the real loyal Virtua Fighter audience that came to Virtua Fighter before there was online anything:LOL:

    TBH I hope there is no Virtua Fighter 6. I would rather they named the new game something else. I would rather they left the Virtua Fighter legacy intact than to disgrace it with meters, comeback mechanics, fireballs, watered down movelists, and scummy monetization schemes. Sega, Seiji Aoki and RGG should just name whatever game they're working on something , anything other than Virtua Fighter.:cry:

    At this point, putting Virtua Fighter in the name of this next game is nothing more than Sega trying to stand on the shoulders of the original giants of AM2 and Seiji Aoki and RGG are simply not worthy:notworthy:

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