[13 Apr 2019] April Annihilation Virtua Fighter Tournament (Cherry Hill, NJ)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Harpooneer, Mar 19, 2019.

April Annihilation Virtua Fighter Tournament
Start Date: 13 Apr 2019 12:00 PM
End Date: 13 Apr 2019 03:00 PM
Time Zone: America/New_York -04:00 EDT

Crowne Plaza: Philadelphia-Cherry Hill
2349 Marlton Pike W
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002

Posted By: Harpooneer

Confirmed Attendees: 0
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  1. Harpooneer

    Harpooneer Well-Known Member



    BigE Gaming has been really generous to VF this year. We got equal treatment with games that had 20 times more people than us, with prizes and stream time at WinterBrawl 3D. BigE and Jemmillion have been in contact with me about holding VF at more BigE events. The only way to go is up, and having our presence at these large major FGC events can only help the scene. If you are anywhere on the East Coast, I really urge you to come and rep our game and scene.
    Don't let the "side" part of Side Tournament fool you; we are getting full treatment again. I have been told we're getting at least some stream time, and they're trying to get us as much as possible. Furthermore, as a side tournament, all you need to pay is the spectator fee of $45 at the door to enter. There will be a lot of things to do there, including retro side tournaments, and arcade machines and $45 covers a lot of options. If you're interested in entering a main tournament, you are covered for our side tournament as well! Definitely check those out on the April Annihilation page!

    This tournament is community-run. We are pulling out all the stops to show that VF is alive on the East Coast! That means that I'm running the brackets, and organizing equipment. If you are able to bring a setup to the event, message me and I will refund your Spectator Fee! We'll be running the game on Xbox 360, so a setup includes a console, a screen, and cables. I'm not 100% sure on the time, but it will not be earlier than 12:00 PM. Follow me here or on Twitter (@VFHarpoon) for updates.
    Terracrush and oneida like this.
  2. Harpooneer

    Harpooneer Well-Known Member

    OK! I am adding some prizes.
    We have 3 Steam Codes for Sega games thanks to Sega Europe! These three codes will go to the top three players. I am also adding $5 to the pot for each entrant, along with a pot bonus. I am getting asked by the event staff to start telling them how many people are signed up, so if you intend to come and didn't sign up yet, please do it ASAP.

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