[12 Aug 2016] NYG X-2 (Brooklyn, NY)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Harpooneer, Apr 24, 2016.

By Harpooneer on Apr 24, 2016 at 4:13 PM
  1. Harpooneer

    Harpooneer Well-Known Member

    REMINDER: The team tournament is now on Friday. It will start at 6:00 P.M.

    Once again, New York City prepares to host the Western World’s most hype VF event: the New York Gathering.

    This year one of our own hosts the tournament; NYC_VF’s own Hayato will be holding the event in his shop ifixmachine . This is a great venue with arcade cabinets, a complete stream setup, and outdoor space for a barbecue! We always strive to bring the best hangout experience to VF every Summer, and are excited to eat, drink, and play VF with you all!

    Event Location

    As usual, this will be a three day gathering, with casuals throughout as well as singles and team tournaments. There are going to be a ton of arcade machine setups featuring VF as well as old school classic arcade games (King of Dragons is a personal fave), in addition to xbox 360 setups for those who prefer using their own sticks / pads. Nearby food places offer both cheap and tasty food, and CruzLink himself will be feeding you his hot, spicy meat from the bbq grill. The nearby gas station has a good beer selection, and there is a liquor store up the street.

    Venue Fee: $10 per day.
    All tournaments are free entry.

    Harbor Motor inn
    This is probably the closest hotel to the shop, though there are others located near train stations and moderate walking distance.


    Tournaments will be held on Saturday and Sunday and will be streamed. Based on participation, not all matches may be streamed, but there is a good chance all of them will. There are no entry fees for either tournament, with prizes being awarded to winners. Consult the rules spoiler at the bottom of this section for more.

    Singles tournament will take place on Saturday, beginning at 3:00 P.M. We are debating whether to hold top 8 on Sunday, as other tournaments do, and will do so if time requires.

    Teams tournament will take place on Friday, beginning at 6:00 P.M. and will feature teams of 3. Last year’s team tournament was really hype, and most people participated. We highly encourage everyone to start making teams now, and spread the word if you want to participate and don’t have a team.

    All registration must be done before the tournament begins and will be done in person or online using THIS FORM. It is your responsibility to register online or in person at least 15 minutes before the tournament starts. If you do not register in time, relax and enjoy the gathering. Remember that the tournaments are not the focus of the event, and have some casuals.

    If you cannot make the tournament that you signed up for, please alert me through PM on VFDC, so that we can adjust the brackets to have as few disqualifications as possible.

    Brackets and Calling Matches:
    If you are registered for a tournament, you will be placed on a challonge bracket which will be posted before the tournament begins. Our first priority in seeding will be that people from the same region don’t play each other in round 1, but that may not be possible in all cases.

    In an effort to stream as much of the tournament as possible, players may be called to be “on deck” at a secondary stream setup. This will happen if the scheduling permits one match at a time to be played, and may not occur if there are time constraints or a large amount of entrants. All players called to be on deck are required to set their buttons and be prepared to go on the direction of tournament organizers.

    If you are called and are unavailable for your match, we will attempt to resolve other matches in the same round before disqualifying you. If 2 matches occur before you are available, you will be disqualified. If you want to leave the venue for food or other reasons, please consult an organizer to see if there will be enough time. It is your responsibility to be there for your match.

    Rules for Matches, Character Select, P1/P2, Stage Select:
    Normal Bracket: 2 / 3. Losers, winners, and grand finals are all 3 / 5.

    Tournaments are double elimination.

    If two players cannot agree on player 1 / player 2 side, they will flip a coin for it.

    After sitting down and going to character select, both players must configure buttons before picking a character. The first stage selection will be random.

    After each game in singles, winner should ask loser if they want to change stage or character (NOT both).

    Character lock is in effect for the team tournament.

    If you lose and the winner mashes into the next fight without asking you, you are allowed to pause the game and return to select screen until the game timer has ticked off 2 seconds. Any time after that is a pause. Please consider your options carefully after losing a game before the next one begins.

    Pausing during a match is a 1 round loss. If either player is Shun Di, the loss will be drink neutral (i.e. Shun will neither gain, nor lose, drink points). The player that did not pause can choose not to take the round.

    If there is a malfunction of equipment, a break in the game can occur where the player finds a replacement. If the break occurs, or causes the game to pause, a round can be taken by the other player. These rules also apply to button checks taking place after 2 seconds of game time.

    Reporting Rules Being Broken:
    If the match you are playing is not being streamed, rule violations should be reported to organizers by the players in a match. If a winner changes character / stage, do not begin the game and stop part way to report, report the violation before starting the game (you may pause to do this).

    Team Specific Rules:
    Character lock is enforced, but order lock is not. Your team can change their order before each match. Losing team can change stage between games.

    NYC_VF has always provided the highest quality streams, and this gathering will be no exception. We will continue our practice of streaming all day with a minor adjustment. After last year’s tournament, the decision was made to schedule the tournaments and other streamed events, so the audience will know when to tune in for the more hype stuff.

    Friday Stream Schedule: Team Tournament begins at 6:00 P.M.
    Saturday Stream Schedule: Stream will start around 1:00 P.M. Singles Tournament starts at 3:00 P.M. Before this, casuals will be streamed.

    Sunday Stream Schedule: Stream will start around 12:00 P.M.

    We are looking for volunteers to provide consistent commentary during tournaments. Contact me through PM if you wish to provide commentary. Our goal will be to have enough commentators ahead of time to allow them to switch when they have matches. We won't know if this is a possibility unless you get in contact with us first.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2016
Start Date: 12 Aug 2016 01:00 PM
End Date: 14 Aug 2016 08:00 PM
Time Zone: America/New_York -04:00 EDT

ifixmachine Gaming Lounge
2116 Bath Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11214

Posted By: Harpooneer

Confirmed Attendees: 8
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Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Harpooneer, Apr 24, 2016.

  • NYG X-2
    Start Date: 12 Aug 2016 01:00 PM
    End Date: 14 Aug 2016 08:00 PM
    Time Zone: America/New_York -04:00 EDT

    ifixmachine Gaming Lounge
    2116 Bath Avenue
    Brooklyn, NY 11214

    Posted By: Harpooneer

    Confirmed Attendees: 8
    You can not RSVP for this event...

    This event has already begun, or has already passed; RSVP has been since closed.
    The following users have RSVP'd "Yes": 8
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    The following users have RSVP'd "No":
    1. Myke
      Just curious, but why is it called X-2 and not XI?
      Tricky and VFhayato like this.
    2. cruzlink2
      Myke it's just a pun on the Final Fantasy Series.
      oneida and VFhayato like this.
    3. VFhayato
      hahahahahahaah! x2 means bbq and backyard! DLC!
    4. Jason Elbow
      Jason Elbow
      Hey Hayato, i live in mobile, al. With travel, hotel, and such. How much do i need to save up?
    5. Jason Elbow
      Jason Elbow
      I really want to go to this!;
      Now we just need a trailer and its good to go. Also lets make this NYG as hype as possible. So I am going to start. It seems like @og23 is bit cocky with his post in Toruyken 5 thread. So I am issuing a challenge to my vfdc friend. A FT whatever at NYG X-2 vs me and you put your medal on the line. I know it is a bit early to tell who will be able to come to this event but if we both can make it then we should do this match. What do you say og23? Who wants to see this match? Lets go people. Also anyone else can make some challenges, lets make it fun people. Lets go.
      VFhayato likes this.
    7. og23
      Me? Cocky? I just said I got better, whatever, I've got nothing to run from, if I see you there Snake Boss, I'll play you no problem. You can choose what it's first to, only thing is I'm not giving up my medal, sorry. That has a bit of sentimental value to me, I'll money match you, but I'm keeping my medal
      Tricky and VFhayato like this.
    8. VFhayato
      save up to at least $600! bucks! lets go guys!
      Yea I am not going to force you to up your medal if you do not want to. Also its just for fun, trying to make it interesting. If you really want to do a money match you then you let me know. First we both have to show up and at this time its uncertain. I do want try and make it though.
      VFhayato likes this.
    10. og23
      Of course man, like I said before, If I see you there, I'm game
    11. SNAKE BOSS
      Its not about the money for me but either way its all good.
    12. oneida
      wouldn't miss this for anything.
    13. Shang
      @Shang and @Chief_Flash will be there.

      Just to make the event interesting, I'm offering 3 FT10 challenges vs. 1FK.

      Here are the rules:
      • Defeat 1FK in a FT10, no character change, random stage allowed.
      • If you win, you will receive one (1) single one hundred-dollar bill in USD denomination on the spot.
      • If you lose, you agree to read a pre-written statement written by 1FK on the steam of 100 words or less to proclaim your allegiance with the nWo. (If you cannot read, @Chief_Flash will assist you).
      • Pausing / Disconnecting equate to forfeit of the round.
      • There are only 3 slots for this challenge.
      • This is a First Post First Raped challenge and no poster shall be rejected based on color, race, sexual preference, or skill level.
      Who in? FPFR.
      Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
    14. Tricky
      I accept your challenge & TrickyBucks Shang. I also think it's time Flash and I get our FT10 on too, I challenge you Flash!
    15. Shang
      Attention Attention @Chief_Flash! Please draft the pre-written statement for @Tricky and submit to me for approval.
      Craigbot, Tricky, Chief_Flash and 2 others like this.
    16. og23
      I'll accept your challenge Shang, either you or Flash is fine by me
      Chief_Flash likes this.
    17. Jacko
      I'll be there.
      Craigbot, VFhayato and Chief_Flash like this.
    18. Chief_Flash
      I'm in @Shang . Prepare to read pre written statement @Tricky . I'll make this even more interesting for you. I won't play til I get there....which means I will not have played since NYGX. Let's see how truly educated you are, black man. Oh and here's a caveat.....Godoku must be the one to read the statement with his ninja suit on....if the nigga can read that is.

      Oh and wtf is this? I didn't say shit and my name still dropped. Fuck!!!

      Edit - how bout we toss in ft10 in SFV too? If u get jump roped 10-4, u must read another statement on stream.

      Dad @Myke are u in????
      Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
    19. Jacko
      LOL jump rope super'd into the ground godoku style.

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