I'll be attending. [img] Looking forward to seeing all you folks!
I hear you.
Hey guys, Syzygy@SEGA of America here. I'm glad the day has finally come when we could share this news. Thanks for the patience! Just to quickly...
Leaderboards for online battles are in. As per the FAQ, you get 3 points per win and 1 per loss (which are also displayed at the end of a ranked...
I wasn't able to reply to this thread earlier because we were working on the Title Update. I also hope you guys recognize a lot of the questions...
I'm sorry to read that not being able to reply has gotten people down on VF and Sega. [img] I haven't been able to make a formal reply -- just a...
Thanks, all. Will be working on this next week.
I tell you what, if you guys put together some questions for me over the next few days, I'll put together some answers. No promises I can answer...
I'd rather not post in the XBOX forums and I don't (yet) have an account at Shoryuken, I'm just lurking there. You're welcome to post links!
360 and PSN cross-platform play would be awesome but Sony and Microsoft's systems don't talk to one another. Also, regarding the PS3,...
Hi VFDC folks, I'm a relatively new poster but a long time lurker here and have decided to "out" myself. I currently work at SEGA and worked on...
By the way, this link is used pretty widely. If you see anyone else using it in any SEGA petition threads, let them know it is not valid and the...
The "support_csonline.php" link in the original post actually no longer works. It now points to SEGA's knowledge base. Best way to give feedback...
Did you copy or "recover" your gamer profile to your MU as well? If not you need to do that, because without being signed in to the profile that...
Are you sure he didn't just trip over his network cable? [img]
Where was the scan posted? I'd like to read the Japanese comments.
Yeah, from watching my 7 year old daughter having a blast playing Pai in Quest Mode, I have to agree that's off base. I don't think Hilary is...
Re: VF5 XBOX 360 First impressions now that I have Hey there. I'm one of the Shun players. Actually there is a rematch option but not in Ranked...
Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July ...
Separate names with a comma.