Ranked Disconnects

Discussion in 'Console' started by sekaijin, Jun 12, 2012.

  1. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    AvocadoKiwi got me too.
  2. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Man, laaaaame.
  3. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    i don't remember the name AvocadoKiwi but some 1st Dan challenged me once and in Round 3 (after i won the first two), he ragequit. the guy challenged ME, not the other way around. he knew what rank i was at the time (Barbarian) yet he still gave up. weak.
  4. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    MinorTreat on PSN pulled on me twice in ranked. Puss.

    Most people wont pull on PSN, but some do. Usually when I run across a high ranked player who ducks they take their first loss and then just refuse to play me. Ive noticed that the players who will take losses like a man are really superior players in terms of skill.
  5. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    no kidding, eh? yesterday i played another Defender named Immortal something or whatever and after i beat them once (in three rounds i think), they just flat out refused to play me again. come on.
  6. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    I really dont mind when people refuse to fight me after one match.
    If you cant seem to get behind an opponents strategy, it can be really frustrating if you try to figure it you in ranked, where you lose points and stuff.
    I did it too, when I was a little less experienced. I still wouldnt call myself experienced, but I dont refuse matches anymore, unless it looks like its laggy.
  7. capt_catalina

    capt_catalina Well-Known Member

    I've been having some connection issues myself on PSN, mainly because the internet here ATM (rural Newfoundland) isn't as good as I would like it to be. Overall, I've been enjoying the competition I've been receiving, and hopefully should iron itself out once I'm back in metro Halifax this fall.

    I do get a little intimidated at the ranks online, but I've always prefered a solid test. I did have a player complain because I spammed Jeffry's Jumping kick on him about 5 times, which won me the round. :p
  8. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Theres really no reason to get intimidated by ranks. I only noticed a real rise in skill at the defender, guardian and stuff ranks. Faced a defender Wolf today, who bodied me completely two matches, each in 3 rounds.
    Still everything below seems to fight pretty much the same...

    On topic:
    Had a wolf diconnect on me today. Forgot his name, but he disconnected after i beat him the 3rd round...not nice.
  9. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    that might have been BlackBeltSpartan. tried disconnecting after i beat him, disconnected during the win pose so i still got the points [​IMG]

    what a pansy. he was Guardian rank but spammed his charge tackle and a few throws. he should NOT be Guardian ranked if thats all he does. he was simple to beat for the most part
  10. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Quite possible:)I definetely remember the name.

    I just ranked up to hunter and noticed a suddin increase in skill...
    A lot off people seem to be stuck on that rank and had like 500 games. I even demoted one from raider to hunter i think(someone from here...he got his revenge though:/).
    Now im a raider myself, but i feel like i might loose the rank, too. Competition is tough for the most part. Some barbarians i fought were abysmal though. I wish i remembered his name, but it was a lion player barbarian who sucked so unbelievably i thought he was just fooling around. He also had a yellow smiley.

    Okay enough diary:

    Had a few disconnects today, about 3 or 4. Most of them dans (who i fight if no hunter or something similar is around).
  11. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    I'm willing to bet money that it was BlackBeltSpartan.

    He's a free win easily. When I played him he DQ'd after each match. Never took points for the lose. I'm guessing that that's the only way he is ranked so high.

    Seriously, it's just a friggin game. Why disconnect? Take your loses like a man [​IMG]
  12. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    i honestly have no clue how he's a Guardian right now. he'd have to eventually play real players without quitting, and he'd have to win. i don't see how he could have beaten anyone with that style of his.
  13. rattlejaw

    rattlejaw Active Member

    I don't think I've had a puller yet, but I have had a few disconnects that seem like standard internet trouble.

    That said, if somebody with a yellow face challenges me, I usually just roll my eyes and cancel out. I don't care about the points either way, but if there's one thing playing FGs online has taught me, it's that the people who pull are never fun to play anyhow. Lag tactics and SHORYUKEN and SHORYUKEN some more. Yawn.
  14. mlp715

    mlp715 Well-Known Member

    online ranked is a bit of a joke in my opinion theres no way im a hunter rank at best im a 4/5dan on a good day the rank system seems to reward losing just as much as winning i havent played any matches since gettin hunter rank so ill se how long i keep that rank befor gettin demoted
  15. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    As far as I can tell, the REAL ranking system takes place once you hit Hunter.

    With the Kyu's and the Dan's, you still get "experience" even for losing. So eventually, if enough games are played, even the absolute worst player will become a hunter.

    But, once you hit Hunter, you can actually lose "experience" for losing to other players who are also Hunter or above. So if you get promoted to Raider, lose enough games, and you'll be demoted to Hunter again.

    Yet, once you're a Hunter, you can never be a Dan again.

    In a way, everything before Hunter is just practice :meh:
  16. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    come on, you're not that bad. :p

    you have some kinks in your game to work out before stepping up to the next level but the potential is there. at least you don't disconnect like that Wolf guy i mentioned earlier lol
  17. End

    End Active Member

    I played a barbarian yesterday, unfortunately I dont remember his nick. It was 2:1 for me, and while executing my final combo (only down attack remained to be done), he disconnected. I THINK it was Carl-something-numbers, but Im not sure.

    I am only 8 dan & I'm not that good anyway. 90% of other barbarians/defenders (whatever) usually school me [​IMG]

    edit: He played Jacky, thats for sure.
  18. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    I met that BlackBeltSpartan again today.
    Very annoying guy. He even took 2 rounds from me...with ringouts. Its my own fault I fell for that stuff, but at least he didnt disconnect after the fight.

    edit: okay got another 2 to denounce.
    First is leonard_ogf
    second is Czaras_C

    Czaras only disconnected after the match had already ended. I guess thats not so bad.
  19. PointOfStatic

    PointOfStatic Member

    Got this guy late last night. I'm ashamed to admit it, but he won our first match with pure cheese and Ring Outs.
    I got steamed, wanted revenge and so I seeked him out again and found him. I knew his 'strategy' now, so this time around, it was quite easy to beat him. I went 3 - 0, even got an excellent second round. He disconnected just before the final replay started playing.

    Also, got another one today. Uhhh, leonarddogf2010 I believe was his PSN. Lion player, Hunter or Raider rank or something, I believe. Fucking terrible. All he did was either [2][K][K] or Sweep me, then down attack me. He got me the first round, but then I dominated him the next 2 rounds. Disconnected after I won my second round.

    I seriously think I jinxed myself by reading this thread lol.
    Didn't get a single rage-quitter before I did, now, they keep popping up everywhere.
  20. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Is it me or is this just another Bad Games thread?

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