Hey Myke can you change mine too ? Cause Sonic Bros 3D makes no sense... Just change it by "Sonic The Fighters" as my profil pic.
just type Virtua Fighter 6 on Twitter search, SEGA can't say they don't know that we want VF6, people ask for it everytime, everyday...
SEGA talks about some old IPs will come back soon : https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2016/08/23/sega-amplitude-pc-publisher/ ----> VF6 :)))
Yakuza 5 is free this month on PS3........with PS+ so not so free :') Get that game, better than a movie and Yakuza = godlike SEGA !
Petition for Virtua Fighter 6 https://www.change.org/p/sega-we-want-virtua-fighter-6 300 signatures in 24h.
Chances are that they're already working on it. If not, then Sega doesn't think that they'll profit from it. A petition from Americans, of all people, won't change anything.
Holy shit 3 SEGA games backward compatibility again ! Jet Set Radio, Sonic & Knuckles, Phantasy Star 2 ! When's VF5FS ? lmao
But now it's better than nothing for VF. With the 360/One the game still exist and you can take screenshots, clips, streaming... So that's cool. ofc a PC port would be great, but does SEGA want to pay it ? They can't even pay subtitles lol.
I don't know, the X1 userbase isn't that big and I am not sure if i'd rebuy the game on X1 and pay for Xlive to play it online. I would however re-buy the game and all it's content on PC immediately if it was released. I am fine with an X1 port and it'd be nice I guess, but I want a PC version >_<
Tekken TT2 and SoulCalibur 2 HD are backward compatibility now on Xbox One... So when's VF5FS ??? and by the way when's VF6 ? =)
Seriously, just make a retuned PC port, at least revive the game(even for a short timed period) and gather the whole community on a single platform. Don't want to troll the xbone... but you know...