[29 Mar 2013] FINAL ROUND 16 (Atlanta, GA)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by ShinBlanka, Oct 15, 2012.

Start Date: 29 Mar 2013 08:00 AM
End Date: 30 Mar 2013 02:00 AM
Time Zone: America/New_York -04:00 EDT

Hilton Atlanta Airport
1031 Virginia Avenue
Atlanta, GA 30354

Posted By: ShinBlanka

Confirmed Attendees: 15
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  1. ShinBlanka

    ShinBlanka Active Member


    Atlanta, Ga.
    Friday, March 29, 2013 -- Sunday, March 31, 2013

    The 16th installment of FINAL ROUND is back and better than ever! Thank you to EVERYONE that attended FRXV in making it the biggest Fighting Game Tournament on the East Coast with over 1500+ competitors from around the world competing to be the best in their favorite games. With Japan shocking the world with FinalRoundbats season #2 champion Kusoru "Ageo Joe" winning UMVC3 at FRXV on American soil with his V.Joe, Frank West, Rocket Racoon team made for high drama! What surprise's will happen at this years event? We hope that everyone that attended FRXV will come back and bring 5 friends with them. The location of the event is as followed:

    Hilton Atlanta Airport
    1031 Virginia Avenue
    Atlanta, GA 30354

    $93 per night for the double bed room under the Final Round discounted group rate.

    Yes we are happy to return to the Hilton near the airport for FRXVI. Players that fly to FRXVI will be a 3 minute shuttle ride from the venue. There's a FREE 24 hour shuttle from the Airport to the tournament venue so no expensive cab rides from the airport this year. This location also has plenty of places to eat inside the venue and around the venue and it is PET FRIENDLY for you guys that bring your pets to the tournament.

    This year we'll be using the EVO/UFGT pool system (16 man brackets per pool, double elim) for all tournaments at FRXVI to complete the tournament in a timely manner. At this moment the games that are confirmed for now as Official events for FRXVI are the following:

    Tekken Tag Tournament 2
    Street Fighter 4 AE v.2012
    Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3
    Persona 4 Arena
    King Of Fighters 13
    Dead Or Alive 5
    Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code
    Mortal Kombat 9

    Of course other games in the FGC will be added to FRXVI, so please stay tuned to www.finalround.org to get the full details/updates to the tournament roster. Also keep an eye out for promotional trailers and early bird registration coming soon! If you can't attend FINAL ROUND XVI then please watch our live streams all three days on the following stream channels:

    Team Spooky-- http://www.twitch.tv/teamsp00ky
    Finalroundbats-- http://www.twitch.tv/finalroundbats/

    Early Bird Online Registration for FINAL ROUND 16 is now Live at
    Don't miss out on the HYPE that is #FR16. There will be more info/updates coming soon, so get hype for the longest running event on the east coast!
    Brandon313 likes this.
  2. ShinBlanka

    ShinBlanka Active Member

    Just like last year there will be a Side tournament thrown for VF5FS on Friday 3-29-13. The players were so great last year that we had to run it back for FR16. The community player Mikel Grissett aka "BlackStar" will be running the tournament.
    ShinyBrentford and ToyDingo like this.
  3. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    March is a long way away, but this is about a 15 minutes drive for me. I'm in...
    ShinBlanka likes this.
  4. ShinBlanka

    ShinBlanka Active Member

    Cool, and bring 5 of your friends with you and have a fun time at FR16.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    ShinBlanka likes this.
  6. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Had a great time at Final Round last year, I'm looking to come back for FRXVI.
    ShinBlanka likes this.
  7. ShinBlanka

    ShinBlanka Active Member

    Glad you enjoyed this years event and we look forward to having you guys back at FR16. Please spread the word about FR throughout the VF community.
  8. Brandon313

    Brandon313 Member

    I'm really looking forward to this tournament. ill definitely play in the side tournament for final showdown. My only thing is does marta run around the area that this tournament will be held???
    ShinBlanka likes this.
  9. ShinBlanka

    ShinBlanka Active Member

    Yes and matter of fact you can catch the train to the airport and then catch the hilton airport shuttle to the venue. The shuttle is free.
  10. ShinBlanka

    ShinBlanka Active Member

    I can't remember what bus runs up virginia avenue, but that's the road the event venue will be.
  11. ShinBlanka

    ShinBlanka Active Member

    Shag likes this.
  12. ShinBlanka

    ShinBlanka Active Member

    Shag likes this.
  13. ShinBlanka

    ShinBlanka Active Member


    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    115 days left until FR!

    ShinyBrentford, ShinBlanka and Shag like this.
  15. ShinBlanka

    ShinBlanka Active Member

    If you haven't reserved your hotel room under the FINAL ROUND group please goto the following link to secure your room during FR 16 at:


    The Hilton @ Atlanta Airport has a inside heated pool, a nice resturant, a full Sports bar, coffee spot, and a barbershop in the hotel for FR16. So if players want to get a nice hair cut before they step on to the top 8 stage they can get it done in the hotel! What event can you get a hair cut at inside the venue?!?!?!?!? None that i've heard of, but that's one of the things you can enjoy while being at the venue for FR16 besides the event itself.

    Don't wait too late to get your rooms because they are starting to go quickly. You don't want to have to search for a hotel last minute and have to get up earlier just to walk or ride a cab to the tournament venue because all the rooms are sold out? Of course you don't, so get your rooms today! See you guys in 104 days! HYPE!
    BLACKSTAR and Shag like this.
  16. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    This is boss! I'm going to book right away. :cool:
    ShinBlanka and BLACKSTAR like this.
  17. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    This is a well-run tourney for those who haven't been there before- it's nowhere near as cramped and smelly as NEC. Won't be able to make it this year due to work, but it's the best tourney I've been to

    As for the barber shop- screw MM's, have hair vs hair matches with the Mexicans in KOF.
  18. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    I have family and friends that live in GA. I might try and make it to this.
    BLACKSTAR and ShinBlanka like this.
  19. ShinBlanka

    ShinBlanka Active Member

    Yes this is the same venue we had in 2011, but we'll have 2 other ballrooms in that same area to equal 12,000 sqft in total tournament area space. It's always good to have Utahs best come to the EC and compete in FR16. There's some more news to come for FR16 in the up coming weeks so stay tuned! With last year event having 400+ in ssf4 and umvc3 we are planning for 512 in each of those games and at least 300 players in TTT2. That's why we have to goto the keits/Evo 16 man pool system for FR16 to control the crowds and run things on time. Our goal is to complete everything on time this year, so people will have more time to enjoy the event and the city.

    Online registration is the key to getting everything done in a timely manner. We urge everyone register online for their badges and games asap, so we can properly make the pools in advance and post them 3-7 days prior to the event date. If you do the emergency registration at the door you'll only have a 4 hour window on thursday evening (7pm-11pm) and friday morning (8am-12noon) to register for tournaments during the event and you WILL NOT BE SEEDED IN ANYWAY! You'll be placed in the 1st available spot in the pools and no effort will be used to seed you by skill level or by city/state. Door registration is one of the main reasons why any event start late IMO. I was going to eliminate at the door registration at this event, but I do understand that it's hard out there these days and sometimes people don't have the money to attend until the last minute.

    IF that happens and your only option is to sign up at the event at least you have a chance to compete, but we will not remake/reseed the brackets/pools for anyone that signs up late. The pools will start on time. We can't hold up the pools to reseed them for those that didn't register online. So we at FINAL ROUND are asking everyone that seriously plan to attend FR16 to use the online registration to help us run a smooth event. It not only helps us make the pools well in advance, but it's also cheaper to sign up online than at the door. (online reg = $40 and at the door emergency reg = $50) We hope to see everyone that came last year at FR16. Thank you guys for your continued support and i'll see you in March!

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Alright guys. Sound off in the thread. I'm thinking about making the VF tournament for PS3, if for no other reason than to keep in line with the rest of the Final Round tournaments (all tournaments are PS3 except for Melty Blood which is PC). But I'd thought I'd ask you guys first.

    PS3 or Xbox360? What's your pick and why? SOUND OFF HERE, and you can help me make a decision :D
    ShinBlanka likes this.

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