Akai Leagues Saturday Session
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Akai Leagues Saturday Session
Start Date: 15 Mar 2025 02:00 PM
End Date: 15 Mar 2025 05:00 PM
Time Zone: America/Chicago -05:00 CDT
End Date: 15 Mar 2025 05:00 PM
Time Zone: America/Chicago -05:00 CDT
This will be a two month test to see if hosting two simultaneous leagues is doable. Note that I host Europe players on Steam and North America players on PSN on Sundays.
Saturday League Session
- Event Summary
- Europe PSN Division (EUP)
- For Europe region PSN players with wired connection (VF5US)
- Yellow color scheme to distinguish from other divisions
- Passcode for EUP Room will be that day's date in DDMM format
- North American Steam Division (NAS)
- For North America region Steam players with wired connection (VF5REVO)
- Magenta color scheme to distinguish from other divisions
- Passcode for NAS Room will be that day's date in MMDD format
- 3 Open Leagues per Division
- At most, 3 open leagues will be run per division
- An open league will only run when there are at least 4 players.
- An open league can have a maximum of 16 players.
- At any point of the session in which turnout is less than 4 players, may run less than 3 open leagues for the division.
- Time Commitment
- Can play in just one open league or in all three open leagues. It is up to you!
- A 4-player league will last ~10 minutes, while a 16-player league will last close to an hour. Everyone will be playing at the same time. If odd number of players, every player gets one round bye/break.
- Intermissions
- Before and between the leagues, there will be ~10-15 minute intermission to leave/enter the league room. This is also a good time to take a break since once a league starts, it does not stop until everyone completes their matches.
- After I finished posting to different social medias/websites; and there is at least 4 players in the room; I will start a countdown of 5 intermission matches before the start of a league.
- For those in the room, you will see me post in-game messages of "preparing" and "# of games remaining" to give you an estimate of when the league starts.
- Rules and Guidelines
- Players must be residing in the region listed and play with a wired connection.
- If there are frequent connection issues, I may ask the participant to leave the room or kick the participant out of the room.
- No character switching within a league. You may switch character between leagues.
- Please try to finish all your matches and leave after completing the league. If you are short on time, and it looks like you won't be able to complete the league, I prefer that you do not join the league.
- I keep track of players' participation and stats during the league. It is okay to use different accounts, but let me know before participating so that I keep an accurate record.
- Europe PSN Division (EUP)
- Event Schedule
- Start of Session: Preparation of league session for EUP
- Once we have at least 4 players, I will start countdown of 5 intermission matches before starting the first league of the night for Europe.
- ~15-30 minutes after Start of Session: Preparation of league session for NAS
- Once EUP is up and running (the latest being the start of the first league). I will prepare room for the first league of the day for North America.
- ~2-4 hours: Simultaneous Running of Two League Sessions
- How this portion is handled will determine if running two simultaneous league sessions is doable for the long run.
- I will post to different social medias/websites on the progress of these sessions, but the main organization will be through my stream https://www.twitch.tv/akai_vf ; chatbox https://www.twitch.tv/popout/akai_vf/chat?popout=
- End of Session: Concluding Remarks
- After the last league ends, people still sometimes continue to play in the room. Up to you! May also use this time to go over certain VF-related topics.
- Start of Session: Preparation of league session for EUP
Thread - https://virtuafighter.com/threads/akai-leagues-2025.22245/
© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM